Monday 2 April 2012

Green Spot at Bluecoat

Manchester based agency, Creative Concern, were engaged by the Forestry Commission to devise an interactive installation that would raise consciousness about the benefit of green spaces in cities.

They developed Greenspot, a collection of ten trees positioned in the Courtyard at Liverpool's Bluecoat.  The plaques that accompanied the exhibition displayed facts about trees and green spaces and it also included interactive audio and lighting.  At the end of their time at The Bluecoat the trees were rehomed at Alder Hey Children's Hospital where they were dressed for Christmas and decorated with poems written by some of the young patients.

I like this as a solution.  It is a simple and effective way of demonstrating instantly the impact of green on an urban setting (not unlike the interior of Westminster Abbey last summer, ahem).  Also, responsibly done, in that the exhibit found a, presumably, permanent home at Alder Hey.

What particularly interests me is that Creative Concern designed and installed the project, built the associated website and handled the marketing and PR.  Have they got any jobs going around July 2014 I wonder?

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